
Teddy’s interest above and below the ocean lasted a lifetime, not only around Bermuda, but the world.  Every day was a day of observation, learning and recording the environment and Bermuda was a perfect platform in the ocean for a person with a sense of adventure and exploration.

‘Teddy Tucker was a master mentor,’ says Dr. Joe MacInnis, a diving physician who studies leadership in high-risk environments. ‘An undersea encyclopedia, who willingly shared his hard-won knowledge. We embraced his intelligence and enthusiasm and made it our own.’ 


Teddy Tucker’s Triangle refers to the three main subjects of Teddy’s work: Shipwrecks, Conservation and Research. It also describes the area around the island where he conducted much of his exploration, defined at its points by Bowditch Seamount, Argus Bank and the Deep Ocean.

The map below highlights some examples of his work. The majority of Teddy’s exploration took place around Bermuda but he traveled as far as the Marshal Islands in the Pacific and the Kaikoura Canyon, off New Zealand, in pursuit of answers.


Teddy Tucker's Triangle